Whitetail Deer November 13th & 14th, 2009 Scott County, MN by Bryan Barlage

I hunted by myself at Cleary Lake Park Reserve this weekend. I took Friday off from work so I could hunt the first day of the three day hunt. I had no idea about what was about to happen. Earlier in the week I had scouted twice and picked the same tree south of the slough where I had sat two years prior. I also put up my glow buttons so I could find my spot in the dark. I had a little trouble with that two years ago!
In the morning I sat until 11:15AM, no deer. I was the second pick-up out there and lucky to secure my spot. I went home for lunch and a quick nap. I was back in my tree at 2:15PM or so. I was hardly settled and two does appeared coming from the north. They passed me at 20 yards. I drew on them two or three times but did not shoot because there were too many branches in the way. I was kicking myself that I didn’t get a shot off and shaking because I was so excited. Next is the best part. Thirty minutes later a big buck appeared out of nowhere, on the same path as the does. I got ready for a difficult right side shot. The buck turned and started coming my way! At 13 yards he may have sensed my repositioning for a shot. He looked up at me for a second and appeared nervous. He started to turn back, opening up for a perfect quartering away shot. I drew quickly and took a shot without hardly aiming. I knew it needed to be quick as he may bolt away. I saw the arrow stuck in his vitals as he ran off. He got about 40 yards away and stopped. He stumbled and tipped right over. Buck Down! He thrashed around for a few seconds and was done. I had to calm myself down before climbing down from the tree. I texted Al and John right away then went to go see my deer. There wasn’t much for a blood trail as the arrow didn’t pass thru the deer. When I approached the buck there was a lot of blood where he went down. The arrow had broken in half and both pieces were laying on the ground. It was the end of my lucky arrow. I killed my 2nd Alberta bear, 1st Wisconsin buck, and now this beauty with that arrow. All I saw was horns and a large body! I couldn’t believe it and I still can’t believe it as I write this entry. He was a 5x4 with a lot of good mass. I called Whitey to come help me get him out of the woods. His timing was perfect as I had the beast gutted when he got there and we loaded him on to the meat cart and got him home. My best buck to date! We hung him in the garage and just stared at this deer.
Then the next day I sat till 9AM in the morning. I did not see a deer on stand that morning but saw one doe by the truck as I was leaving. Went home, skun the head of my deer, and dropped him off for processing. I was back on stand by 1:30PM. Another hunter was set up about 40 yards away on the east side of the slough. Right before dark a doe came out of the slough to the south of me. She worked in my direction. I prepared for a right side shot. When I released, my arrow hit a branch and deflected and missed the deer. The sound of the shot pushed the deer to my other side. She eventually offered me a 25 yard broadside shot over in the trees to my left. I had only 2 arrows at this point. 1 – practice Rage broadhead, not sharp, and 1 – back-up Grim Reaper. I knocked the Grim Reaper and drew back. I steadied and let it go. I hit the deer and she ran off. I thought I heard her crash! I pulled down all of my stuff and called Whitey for help. When I found my arrow it was solid bright red blood. A good looking lung shot. The trail of blood was pretty good with a lot of blood high on the tall grass and brush. She ran about 50 yards or so and was down. Two deer on consecutive days a first for me!
We registered both deer at the park headquarters. The buck was 180 lbs, the doe was 95 lbs. There were a handful of good bucks killed in the first two days. Mine was the biggest buck so far at Cleary. All in all it was my most memorable bowhunt for deer. I don’t know how I will duplicate such a weekend! The buck will be with me always as I plan to have a shoulder mount done!
Equipment: Bowtech Guardian, Carbon Express Maxima 350 arrows, Rage 100gr 2-blade (buck kill), Grim Reaper 100 gr (doe kill), Trophy Taker arrow rest, Cobra site, Tru-Fire Release, Bushnell Rangefinder, Irish Setter boots, Lone Wolf Alpha Hang on Treestand
In the morning I sat until 11:15AM, no deer. I was the second pick-up out there and lucky to secure my spot. I went home for lunch and a quick nap. I was back in my tree at 2:15PM or so. I was hardly settled and two does appeared coming from the north. They passed me at 20 yards. I drew on them two or three times but did not shoot because there were too many branches in the way. I was kicking myself that I didn’t get a shot off and shaking because I was so excited. Next is the best part. Thirty minutes later a big buck appeared out of nowhere, on the same path as the does. I got ready for a difficult right side shot. The buck turned and started coming my way! At 13 yards he may have sensed my repositioning for a shot. He looked up at me for a second and appeared nervous. He started to turn back, opening up for a perfect quartering away shot. I drew quickly and took a shot without hardly aiming. I knew it needed to be quick as he may bolt away. I saw the arrow stuck in his vitals as he ran off. He got about 40 yards away and stopped. He stumbled and tipped right over. Buck Down! He thrashed around for a few seconds and was done. I had to calm myself down before climbing down from the tree. I texted Al and John right away then went to go see my deer. There wasn’t much for a blood trail as the arrow didn’t pass thru the deer. When I approached the buck there was a lot of blood where he went down. The arrow had broken in half and both pieces were laying on the ground. It was the end of my lucky arrow. I killed my 2nd Alberta bear, 1st Wisconsin buck, and now this beauty with that arrow. All I saw was horns and a large body! I couldn’t believe it and I still can’t believe it as I write this entry. He was a 5x4 with a lot of good mass. I called Whitey to come help me get him out of the woods. His timing was perfect as I had the beast gutted when he got there and we loaded him on to the meat cart and got him home. My best buck to date! We hung him in the garage and just stared at this deer.
Then the next day I sat till 9AM in the morning. I did not see a deer on stand that morning but saw one doe by the truck as I was leaving. Went home, skun the head of my deer, and dropped him off for processing. I was back on stand by 1:30PM. Another hunter was set up about 40 yards away on the east side of the slough. Right before dark a doe came out of the slough to the south of me. She worked in my direction. I prepared for a right side shot. When I released, my arrow hit a branch and deflected and missed the deer. The sound of the shot pushed the deer to my other side. She eventually offered me a 25 yard broadside shot over in the trees to my left. I had only 2 arrows at this point. 1 – practice Rage broadhead, not sharp, and 1 – back-up Grim Reaper. I knocked the Grim Reaper and drew back. I steadied and let it go. I hit the deer and she ran off. I thought I heard her crash! I pulled down all of my stuff and called Whitey for help. When I found my arrow it was solid bright red blood. A good looking lung shot. The trail of blood was pretty good with a lot of blood high on the tall grass and brush. She ran about 50 yards or so and was down. Two deer on consecutive days a first for me!
We registered both deer at the park headquarters. The buck was 180 lbs, the doe was 95 lbs. There were a handful of good bucks killed in the first two days. Mine was the biggest buck so far at Cleary. All in all it was my most memorable bowhunt for deer. I don’t know how I will duplicate such a weekend! The buck will be with me always as I plan to have a shoulder mount done!
Equipment: Bowtech Guardian, Carbon Express Maxima 350 arrows, Rage 100gr 2-blade (buck kill), Grim Reaper 100 gr (doe kill), Trophy Taker arrow rest, Cobra site, Tru-Fire Release, Bushnell Rangefinder, Irish Setter boots, Lone Wolf Alpha Hang on Treestand